IMA Hong Kong Chapter Opening Ceremony and First Professional Event
IMA Hong Kong Chapter
Opening Ceremony and First Professional Event
12th January 2019
The opening ceremony and first professional event of IMA Hong Kong Chapter were held on 12th January 2019 in Central, Hong Kong. Members from Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other Asian country attended the ceremony. We were glad to have the President of IMA Shenzhen Chapter, Mr. Michael JIAN and the Executive VP of IMA Shenzhen Chapter, Mr. Zhiping YANG to join us.
The ceremony was kicked off by the inspiring video from the IMA President and CEO, Mr. Jeffrey C. Thomson, and the encouragement letter from the IMA Global Board Chair, Ms. Ginger White. Mr. Michael JIAN, President of IMA Shenzhen Chapter also gave a speech emphasizing the demand and market trend of IMA in Greater China.
Mr. Gabriel TSE, Secretary of IMA Hong Kong Chapter and MC of the event
Greetings from Mr. Jeffrey C. Thomson, President and CEO IMA
Greetings from Ginger White, CMA, CSCA, IMA Global Board Chair
Mr. Michael JIAN, President of IMA Shenzhen Chapter
As a representative of IMA China, Ms. Michelle YU, Business Relations Manager IMA, made warm greetings to new Hong Kong Chapter and presented the Certificate of IMA Hong Kong Chapter. Michelle’s professional support and contribution to the establishment of IMA Hong Kong Chapter are highly appreciated by IMA members of Hong Kong Chapter.
Ms. Michelle YU (left), Business Relation Manager IMA Greater China, presented the Certificate of IMA Hong Kong Chapter to Ms. Stella LU (right), President of IMA Hong Kong Chapter during opening ceremony

IMA Hong Kong Chapter officers: Gabriel TSE (Secretary), Stella LU (President), Mona XIANG (Treasurer)
Ms. Stella LU, President of IMA Hong Kong Chapter introduced the birth, mission, and plan of this Chapter. She analyzed the status of IMA offices and chapters in Asian region and the potential opportunities. She also stated that the objective of IMA Hong Kong Chapter is to support IMA members in pursuing their professional career and accomplishing the respective goals. Accordingly, IMA Hong Kong Chapter will conduct events to provide services on technical knowledges and skills, leadership enhancement, networking and business opportunities.

Stella LU, President of IMA Hong Kong Chapter
Two experts were invited to give lectures during the event.
Mr. Andy Li, CFO of a pre-IPO technology company in Beijing, gave his speech of Introduction of IPO process in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Market. Hong Kong has regained its No. 1 position as the top destination for initial public offerings (IPOs) with estimated fundraising of around HKD300 billion (USD38.4 billion) in 2018. With strong IPO pipelines and continuing interest from ‘new economy’ companies, Hong Kong is expected to raise over HKD200 billion from the 200 IPOs in 2019. These new listed companies are looking for the opportunities to raise the fund and meet their operation need. Andy’s presentation slides in simplified Chinese are shared here.
Data from KPMG report Mainland China and Hong Kong 2018 IPO Review released on 11 December 2018

Mr. Andy LI made a speech and communicated with members in the event
Ms. Nancy Guan, Certified Tax Advisor, has 15 years of professional taxation working experience at big four accounting firms and multinational companies. The topic of her speech is Tax Planning for Corporate in Asia. Nancy expected that millions of dollars of tax can be saved through effective tax planning for multinational group companies. During her speech, tax status in Asian countries with case studies were shared. This provided IMA members better understanding and practical ideas for implementation of potential tax planning. Nancy’s presentation slides in English are shared here.

Ms. Nancy Guan share the Tax inside with IMA members.

Group photo during the event

IMA staff and officers IMA officer and members

IMA staff, officers and members IMA officer and expert speakers

IMA staff and HK Chapter officers IMA members from Guangdong Chapter

Networking between members Concentrating on the expert speech

Involved in the discussion
What a way to start off the new year 2019! As a newly born Chapter in October 2018, IMA Hong Kong Chapter has kicked off its services to support members for professional career development and played a connecting role in Asian region.
We hope IMA Hong Kong Chapter will grow up healthily, strongly and professionally with support from IMA headquarter, IMA Greater China and other members in IMA family.
IMA Hong Kong Chapter